breathwork facilitator perth

Hey, We’re Rowena & Silvano

A breathwork, human psychology, mindset & self development obsessed couple from Perth. We help people break free of the normal chaos that surrounds you from everyday life, the intrusive thoughts that hold you back and help you to upgrade your future self all by using breakthrough breathwork techniques, psychological and mindset tools.

We, like you knew there was something more for us. We had 2 high flying, extremely well paying jobs, we were climbing a ladder and getting close to the top but it didn’t feel good, it was the wrong ladder that we were climbing. 

Once we found the transformational power of breathwork and human psychology, we quit our jobs and went fully in on learning and teaching all we knew about breathwork, NLP and mindset. We knew we had to share this work with you, people just like us wanting change and knowing there’s more.

We’re just regular people, there’s no woo woo BS with us, just science backed proven ways to get you to where you want to be and it all starts with your breath. If you master your breath you will master your mind.

We wear many hats between us including, advanced breathwork coaches, mindset and NLP coaches, meditation instructors and overall holistic wellness coaches. Now is the time to take the steps to be the person that you know is living inside you but hasn’t found a way out yet. 

the breathwave perth
breathwave breath work perth

Silvano’s self development journey began when he was 18 and was having trouble sleeping, he did what any 18 year old would do and googled ways to help him sleep. He came across a breathing technique called box breathing which was used by navy seals to regulate their nervous system, it worked. He has been learning about the human mind and body ever since doing many courses in breathwork, mindset, human psychology and hypnosis. He has changed his life by changing his breathing and mindset from living in a place of anger and frustration to living in a place of freedom and flow.

Rowena’s self development journey started when she was 21, moving from Ireland to Australia there was so much to learn and explore. Her background has always been health, wellness & mindset. With many years of working in high stress environments and poor breathing habits contributing to anxiety & insufficient sleep, she knows how it feels to hit rock bottom. By using her signature breathwork and mindset techniques she brought herself out of living in a place of fear and anxiety to living a life full of adventure and abundance.