Book into a session here

Health Information:

By participating in The Breathwave's events you agree that you are in good general health. The following contraindications may require medical clearance from your healthcare practitioner:

  • Cardiovascular (Heart attack, hypertension, pacemaker, arrhythmia)

  • Neurological (Stroke, brain/head injury, migraines)

  • Glaucoma/Detached retina

  • Diabetes

  • Expecting to be or currently pregnant

  • Respiratory (Asthma, lung disease, COPD, emphysema)

  • Psychological (Depression, anxiety, panic attacks)

  • Epilepsy

  • Raynauds syndrome

Having any of the contraindications does not prevent you from participating in The Breathwave's event, but getting clearance from your medical practitioner is advised.

learn more about our sessions here:


Refunds and transfers are available up to 24 hours before event start.