Your Breathwork Network

Our new YouTube channel sharing our breathwork recordings, accessible 24/7 with an internet connection!

Learn proven techniques to instantly improve mental well-being & sharpen your focus

Master strategies to effortlessly reduce stress & anxiety

Guided meditations designed to bring clarity and calm

Explore simple yet powerful methods to release pent-up emotions and past experiences from your body

Learn to quieten your restless mind and achieve a state of ease and flow

Improve mood, mental acuity and mental resilience

Develop new habits that foster lasting, positive change

Improve sleep, reduce hypertension and increase HRV

“Master your breathing

Master your mind”

Your Breathwork Network legacy site access while we transition videos to YouTube

Your Breathwork Network

✓ Breathwork anytime, anywhere
✓ Unlimited access
✓ Improve your mental, emotional & physical health
✓ A lifelong skill that can carry over to all areas of life
✓ Regular live sessions with The Breathwave

Meet your Breathwork Instructors

rowena & Silvano

Step into a transformative journey with Rowena and Silvano, your expert guides in breathwork, meditation & mindset. In this exclusive member’s studio, they will lead you through an array of meticulously crafted breathwork and meditation recordings. With a wealth of experience guiding thousands of individuals, they have honed their techniques to perfection, ensuring every session is impactful and effective.

Rowena and Silvano bring you science-backed breathing techniques designed to elevate your well-being daily. Continuously exploring cutting-edge research, they are committed to delivering unparalleled expertise and results. Experience the pinnacle of breathwork and discover the profound benefits it brings to your life.

What people are saying

Corey Casey

“Today I did my first breathwork workshop and all I can say is HOLY SHIT!!

It was exactly what I needed to take the next step on this healing journey. The energetic and emotional release was something I have never experienced before. My intention was to be able to release control and it was the first experience I had of being able to do that fully.

An unbelievably healing experience that is really hard to put into word. It’s crazy how something we do naturally, all of the time, can be so healing.”

Steph Johnston

“I’ve been doing therapy for many years and expect to for the remainder of my life but what I found with breathwork that no other therapy has been able to provide me is the confidence and deep knowing that I am capable of this healing work within myself.

This past week has been rich for me and I’m feeling everything on a deeper level; it’s hard to explain but I feel the beginnings of deeper connections to my feelings and surrounding. I’m less numb, if that makes sense, I’m sleeping better. I started playing around with the breath pattern you taught us before bed and I’m falling asleep quicker than I have in years.

Thank you again for sharing your knowledge, kindness and caring energy.”

Lisa Ross

“What can I say but a massive thank you for yesterday’s session, it was everything I needed and more.

It’s the first time in a long time I felt like I could totally surrender fully to all the built up anger & frustration I’ve been carrying. There was a lot of personal reflections for me which I know is going to help me in all areas of my life. You folks are amazing.”

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Absolutely, we have made this virtual studio with everyone in mind from beginners to seasoned breathwork people. You have everything you need in here to learn all about breathwork and start changing your life.

  • The following may require medical clearance from your healthcare practitioner:

    • Cardiovascular (Heart attack, hypertension, pacemaker, arrhythmia)

    • Neurological (Stroke, brain/head injury, migraines)

    • Glaucoma/Detached retina

    • Diabetes

    • Expecting to be or currently pregnant

    • Respiratory (Asthma, lung disease, COPD, emphysema)

    • Psychological (Depression, anxiety, panic attacks)

    • Epilepsy

    While having any of these may not prevent you from performing breathwork, getting clearance from your medical practitioner is advised.

  • 100% yes. We have never worked with someone who hasn’t found benefits from a regular breathwork practice.

    From increased clarity, less anxiety to breaking through mindset blocks and barriers.

    Breathwork is going to change your life.